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Thursday, July 28, 2011

High heels

Sorry I haven't posted in ages, I've been sick with the flu so I haven't been feeling very creative or funny. But I'm almost better now, so here's a short post.

First of all, a bit of back-story. A few years ago I was a complete trainwreck. I was really depressed, and engaged in lots of self destructive behaviours to try to feel better. Most of the time, it only made things worse, but I couldn't see that, so the cycle continued. It was a really horrible, dark time for me, but now that I've completely turned my life around, I can look back and laugh at some of the funnier aspects of it.


I'm sure that all girls agree with me, that on any given night out on the town you will reach a point where you feel as if you will literally die if you continue to wear your high heels.

The heels begin to feel as if they're made out of lava, and you swear your bones are breaking, and nobody has ever felt pain like this before. Most boys will never understand this, so they're very unsympathetic when this happens.

One night, after going out drinking with friends, we were walking home when I reached this point. I took my heels off and kept walking.

My friend Ben told me to put my shoes back on. Of course, I didn't listen to him, and I kept walking.

He told me numerous times to put my shoes back on, but I refused.

He's a boy after all, what does he know about the pain of high heels?

Sure enough, after a few minutes, I cut my foot on a piece of glass.

Oh the pain!!!!

Now because I was drunk and had a bleeding foot, this seemed like the end of the world. Someone pay attention to me!

So of course, I went attention seeking to Ben.

After him telling me repeatedly to put my shoes back on, he was not impressed.

What he said:

How I saw it:

I got upset, and ran away crying.

My friend Kaylene, who was walking home with us, but had been busy talking to someone else so she had no idea what was going on, chased after me.

Sobbing, I told her that Ben was being mean to me.

So she marched back to the group, and ripped into a bewildered Ben for being mean to me.

I jumped in a taxi, bled all through it, and sulked all the way home.

Edit: So a few people have mentioned that Ben is a dick. That's not at all what I was trying to say! I was trying to say that I'M the dick!


  1. Aww poor Melia :( With the flu and the bleeding and the pain. This was a very unhappy story! But I like the bit where Kaylene goes tomato coloured.

  2. Also Ben sounds mean and yucky.

  3. I've just given you an award on my blog! Come over and pick it up...

  4. LOL Beth, Ben isn't mean! Although he is a boy so he's definitely yucky. But I was the one in the wrong in this story :(

    Thankyou Kate!!

  5. Hmmm *judges boy I've never even met*
